My ingredients are:

an innate set of skills (yes, that helps, you may even call it a vocation): social easiness, natural communication talent, appetite for the others, good people reading and translating, capacity of fast-connecting (synapses) contexts and an omnivore, evolving curiosity

a higher artistic education: classic Fine Art university cursus in Italy, Art semiotic and semiology master in France and Cinema and Cinematography studies in New York

and over fourteen years of experience covering different positions in various entities (art centre coordinator, events manager, gallery manager, curator, Art Foundation Director) processing cultural heritage, analysing and researching changes and trends in the community; supporting, producing and representing artists, galleries and Institutions, in the private sector as well as in the governmental sector,

always in conversation with society and its evolving needs and looking towards the overall horizon of improving the level of culture and foster and divulge Art.

In my fifteen years career in the cultural sphere,

I occupied diverse professional positions, accounted for various responsibilities and acquired agility with many approaches and points of view. I have been events manager of a renown art editions house, coordinator of a multifunctional art centre, manager of a prestigious gallery, director of an Art Foundation and, recently, independent curator and free-lance European cultural projects writer.


I managed artists to present and install art everywhere: all kinds of media works in galleries and fairs; performable/skateable sculptures in white cubes and public spaces; land art pieces in landscapes; readings, encounters and conferences in readapted/reassigned venues.



I thrive in interdisciplinary projects and contexts,

and take particular pleasure in shifting the usage of spaces from their original destination to an artistic one.


A connoisseur of the art scene internationally, my recipe in building highly motivated and productive people and institutions i:

• Deep artistic and cultural education and expertise

• Excellent communication and motivational skills

• Strong team building capacity

• Efficient and effective management and organisational know-how

• Inspiring group management experience

• Experience in organising, producing and coordinating international cultural projects

• Expertise in international partnerships across the public and the private spheres

• Strong financial / business acumen in the arts environment

• Diplomatic representation and exchange know-how

• Tenacious, research-led goal setting

• An infectiously optimistic outlook

I am fluent in four European languages and cultures (French, Italian, English & German) and comfortably familiar in a further one (Spanish).


I have a deep appetite for the World and a genuine curiosity for the Other. I am quickly at ease in different environments and milieus and I therefore easily connect people and efficiently conduct energy in different directions.


Art is my passion and my everyday life. I am an eager culture vulture.


I am particularly interested in the interactions of art & science and art & urbanism and I firmly believe in the social role and political power of art.

©Chiara Santini Parducci - 2019 - Legal

©Chiara Santini Parducci - 2019 - Mentions légales

©Chiara Santini Parducci - 2019 - Mentions légales