Artistic foundation set up


The Oxylane Art Foundation’s (Decathlon)


Skills involved

I took the lead in the establishment of an Art Foundation from its earliest conception and to then direct it during its entire mission.

Before the beginning of the activities, I advised the Company’s Founder, CEO and directing managers and conducted several internal brainstorming sessions to write the foundation mission and vision. I composed a balanced administration board of company members and art world actors and conducted it through the selection and validation of projects and sponsorship or partnership actions internationally for the entire duration on the Foundation mission.


I superintended every Foundation’s project management, presentation and communication, at times as in-house curator or art director of the outside projects and officially represented and embodied the foundation in every occasion towards the art scene as well as towards the public administration. My everyday direction responsibilities ranged from artists’ research and contact, to project selection and implementation, to every day administration, to legal frame overview and budget and logistics management.


I organised and presided the Foundation’s first undertaking: the call for projets, selection, production and installation of the monumental sculpture Pissenlits by Alix Petit in Lille, France.

Legal administration


Official representation


Creative assistance


Administration board conduction


Project reviewing


©Chiara Santini Parducci - 2019 - Legal

Legal administration


Official representation


Creative assistance


Administration board conduction


Project reviewing


©Chiara Santini Parducci - 2019 - Mentions légales

©Chiara Santini Parducci - 2019 - Mentions légales